Footsteps through conflict lands

This blog is not what you’d call cutting edge. It’s a glimpse of  how the  world once was.

Over the past 35 years, I’ve travelled in countries that were once new to tourism but have now changed so dramatically that some are hardly recognizable. A few authorities have been suspicious or downright hostile to travellers, but most have been welcoming or curious.  Most countries have made peaceful transitions to the tourist circuit  but too many have been ravaged by war or extreme political change and are going through horrific, destructive times.

I have now loaded my travel diaries for Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria ( in the pull down menu under “Countries”). I have also included extensive  search tags so you can look up individual places or people, if you are interested.

ISome photos were taken before the digital age and are of poor quality, so I apologize in advance for their short comings.

The Flickr link takes you to my tobeytravels site, which has an extensive collection of ancient sites, including Egypt and Greece.

This blog is a personal snapshot of my travels and my memories.

4 Responses to Footsteps through conflict lands

  1. theconstantcraig says:

    Also, thank you for placing CC-licensed work on the web! What we’re doing wouldn’t be possible without individuals such as yourself!


    • Linda says:

      I’m glad my open access is appreciated. I have taken some flack from a few professional photographers who objected to my ancient site photos being available free of charge but I firmly believe that knowledge must be shared. I aways stress that my images are amateur ones and I’m sure that professionals take far better photos than mine. It doesn’t make much sense me insisting on a minimal reproduction fee just for the sake ot it. Kind regards Linda


  2. theconstantcraig says:

    Hello, I’m currently working with a faculty member to create an open educational art workbook and we’d like to use your photo of the ruins of the Annu Ziggurat, currently on Wikipedia:

    Could we credit you as the photographer, by name? Or do you prefer to be credited as “tobeytravels”? Either way is fine, I just wanted to reach out and confirm (assuming you see this!).


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